Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dia Art Foundation First Opened Dia Beacon - 1531 Words

The Dia art Foundation first opened Dia Beacon in 2003 on the banks of the Hudson River in Beacon, New York. It was originally established by Philippa de Menial, Heiner Friedrich, and Helen Winkler in 1974. Dia Beacon opened in what was once a Nabisco box printing factory that they transformed into a museum. In this museum they display Dia’s collection of art projects from the 1960s to today. Dia offers special programs that include gallery talks, events and an education program. Since its establishing in 1974, Dia has been committed to supporting individual artists and to giving detailed presentations of their specialty. The Beacon gallery s broad exhibitions have been particularly intended for the show of the works in Dia s accumulation, a number of which, due to their character or scale, couldn t be effortlessly suited by more traditional galleries. Every artist s work is shown in a devoted exhibition. Some of the famous projects inside the Beacon museum include Andy Warhol s 1978–79 multipart work Shadows, pieces from Dan Flavin’s monuments and Richard Serra’s steel sculptures. Dia Beacon can be evaluated through a situational analysis called the SWOT analysis. Essentially, SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Dia Beacon has many strengths. In regards to it’s artwork, Dia has a large display and allows for single artists to exhibit their pieces. Also, it supports many different types of artwork and artists, which essentiallyShow MoreRelatedMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pages including business-level, corporatelevel, acquisition and restructuring, international and cooperative strategies. Thus, appropriate strategic actions help the ï ¬ rm to survive in the long run as it creates and uses competitive advantages as the foundation for achieving strategic competitiveness and earning above-average returns. The case method that we are recommending to you has a rich heritage as a pedagogical approach to the study and understanding of managerial effectiveness.2 As an activ e learner

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